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Understanding the Nullish Coalescing Operator (??) in JavaScript

Understanding the Nullish Coalescing Operator (??) in JavaScript

Mahmudul Hasan Nayeem / September 5, 2024

JavaScript is a language that continuously evolves, introducing new features that enhance its capabilities and make coding more intuitive. One of the relatively recent additions is the nullish coalescing operator (??). If you've been using JavaScript for a while, you've likely encountered scenarios where you need to assign default values to variables when they are null or undefined. This is where the ?? operator shines.

What is the Nullish Coalescing Operator?

The nullish coalescing operator (??) is a logical operator introduced in ECMAScript 2020 (ES11). It provides a way to assign default values to variables that are null or undefined. The operator works similarly to the logical OR (||) operator but with an important distinction: it only considers null or undefined as "nullish" values.

Here’s the syntax:

let result = expression1 ?? expression2;
  • expression1: The value to be checked for nullish (either null or undefined).
  • expression2: The default value to return if expression1 is nullish.

How is it Different from the ( || ) Operator?

Before ?? was introduced, developers often used the logical OR (||) operator to assign default values. However, this approach could lead to unintended behavior because || considers any falsy value (e.g., 0, NaN, false, "") as a reason to use the default value.

for example:

let count = 0
let result = count || 10
console.log(result) // 10

In this case, because count is 0 (a falsy value), the OR operator assigns 10 to result, even though count is a valid value.

In contrast, the nullish coalescing operator only checks for null or undefined:

let count = 0
let result = count ?? 10
console.log(result) // 0

Here, count is 0, which is not null or undefined, so result correctly remains 0.

Use Cases of the Nullish Coalescing Operator

  • Default Function Parameters: The ?? operator is particularly useful when setting default values for function parameters.

    function greet(name) {
      name = name ?? 'Guest'
      console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`)
    greet() // "Hello, Guest!"
    greet('Alice') // "Hello, Alice!"
  • Handling Optional Values: When working with optional values or data that might be missing, the ?? operator provides a clean way to handle defaults.

    let userSettings = {
      theme: null,
      notifications: true
    let theme = userSettings.theme ?? 'light'
    console.log(theme) // "light"
  • Simplifying Ternary Operations: The ?? operator can sometimes simplify ternary expressions used to check for null or undefined.

    let input = null
    let output = input !== null && input !== undefined ? input : 'Default Value'
    console.log(output) // "Default Value"
    // With ?? operator
    let outputSimplified = input ?? 'Default Value'
    console.log(outputSimplified) // "Default Value"

Important Considerations

  • Operator Precedence: The nullish coalescing operator has lower precedence than most operators, including the logical AND (&&) and logical OR (||). Always be mindful of how expressions are evaluated and use parentheses if necessary.

    let result = true || false ?? "Default"; // Incorrect
    console.log(result); // true
    let correctedResult = (true || false) ?? "Default"; // Corrected
    console.log(correctedResult); // true
  • Combining with Other Operators: It's important to know that ?? cannot be directly combined with && or || without parentheses because of potential syntax errors.

    let a = null;
    let b = "Hello";
    let result = a ?? b && "World"; // Syntax Error

    To avoid this, use parentheses:

    let result = (a ?? b) && 'World' // "Hello"


The nullish coalescing operator (??) is a powerful addition to JavaScript that simplifies handling null or undefined values. By using it, you can avoid common pitfalls associated with the logical OR operator, particularly when working with falsy values like 0 or "". Understanding and using ?? in your code can lead to more readable and reliable code, especially in cases where you need to provide default values.

As with any feature, it's important to understand when and how to use the nullish coalescing operator effectively to write cleaner, more maintainable JavaScript.