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Understanding the Conditional (Ternary) Operator in JavaScript

Understanding the Conditional (Ternary) Operator in JavaScript

Mahmudul Hasan Nayeem / September 10, 2024

JavaScript offers several ways to write conditional statements, but one of the most concise and commonly used methods is the ternary operator. Often referred to as a shorthand for if-else, the ternary operator allows you to write clean and compact conditional expressions.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the syntax, behavior, and use cases of the ternary operator in JavaScript, along with examples to help you understand its power.

What is the Conditional (Ternary) Operator?

The ternary operator is a JavaScript operator that takes three operands:

  1. A condition that evaluates to true or false.
  2. The expression to execute if the condition is true.
  3. The expression to execute if the condition is false.

It’s called "ternary" because it is the only operator in JavaScript that takes three operands.

Syntax of the Ternary Operator

Here’s the basic syntax:

condition ? expressionIfTrue : expressionIfFalse

Breaking it down:

  • condition: A boolean expression that is evaluated.
  • expressionIfTrue: The expression executed if the condition evaluates to true.
  • expressionIfFalse: The expression executed if the condition evaluates to false.

This operator provides a compact way to handle conditionals and can often replace simple if-else blocks.

Examples of the Ternary Operator

Let’s look at some examples to understand how the ternary operator works:

Example 1: Basic Ternary Operator Usage

Let’s look at a basic example where we decide whether a user is an adult based on their age.

const age = 20
const isAdult = age >= 18 ? 'Yes, an adult' : 'No, not an adult'
console.log(isAdult) // Output: 'Yes, an adult'

In this example:

  • The condition age >= 18 is evaluated.
  • If age is greater than or equal to 18, the expression 'Yes, an adult' is returned.
  • If not, 'No, not an adult' is returned.

Example 2: Nested Ternary Operator

Sometimes you might need to check multiple conditions. The ternary operator can be nested to achieve this.

const score = 85
const grade = score >= 90 ? 'A' : score >= 80 ? 'B' : score >= 70 ? 'C' : 'F'

console.log(grade) // Output: 'B'

In this example, the nested ternary operator checks:

  • If the score is 90 or above, it returns 'A'.
  • If the score is between 80 and 89, it returns 'B'.
  • If the score is between 70 and 79, it returns 'C'.
  • Otherwise, it returns 'F'.

However, be cautious with nested ternaries as they can reduce code readability. In such cases, a regular if-else structure might be more appropriate for clarity.

Example 3: Ternary Operator with Functions

You can also use the ternary operator to call different functions based on a condition.

const isAuthenticated = true

const login = () => 'Logged in!'
const logout = () => 'Logged out!'

const message = isAuthenticated ? login() : logout()
console.log(message) // Output: 'Logged in!'

In this example:

  • If isAuthenticated is true, the login() function is called.
  • If isAuthenticated is false, the logout() function is called.

Use Cases for the Ternary Operator

The ternary operator is perfect for situations where:

  1. You have a simple condition to check.
  2. You want to assign a value based on that condition in a compact way.
  3. You want to return different results based on the condition.

It is especially useful when you want to return different values from a function, assign a value to a variable based on a condition, or render elements conditionally in frameworks like React.

Example in JSX (React):

In React, the ternary operator is commonly used to conditionally render components or elements.

const isLoggedIn = true;

return (
    {isLoggedIn ? <h1>Welcome back!</h1> : <h1>Please log in.</h1>}

In this case:

  • If isLoggedIn is true, the text "Welcome back!" is rendered.
  • If isLoggedIn is false, the text "Please log in." is rendered.

Limitations of the Ternary Operator

While the ternary operator is a great tool for writing concise code, it can become difficult to read when overused or when nesting multiple conditions. For more complex logic, using regular if-else statements can provide better readability.


The conditional (ternary) operator in JavaScript is a concise way to write condition-based expressions. It’s ideal for simple conditionals and can make your code more elegant and readable, especially when used with caution.

However, always be mindful of readability when dealing with more complex conditions. If you find yourself nesting too many ternary operators, consider switching to an if-else statement for better clarity.

To learn more about JavaScript operators, check out the official documentation on MDN..